Friday, August 14, 2009

A post!

Well, I posted over a week ago that we survived his 2 month shots but we didn't come out unscathed. His sleep habits went to pot! Now, however, he is starting to get back on some kind of sleep schedule, thank goodness.

My mom is a fabulous person by the way! I told my husband to take pictures of the baby right when he was born but he got so overwhelmed that he only took one and that one was blurry. Well come to find out my mom (who was also in the delivery room with me) took 4 pictures and they are wonderful! I will treasure them always! He came out sunny side up so he had a huge cone head and they ended up using the vacuum because I was getting too exhausted from all the pushing but he is still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Little man loves to look at the ceiling fan! I don't know what it is about it but he loves to stare at it. I think he would rather look at the fan than any of us.

By the way, I tried this pasta the other day and it was so yummy. I think what would have made it even better is if I had added shrimp or scallops to it. Sorry I didn't snap a picture but there is a really good one if you follow the link. I didn't add parsley because I don't really like it but it was good just the same.

And I have found a youtube video that puts the whole family to sleep. I play it over and over during he nap time and he loves it. I think he's going to be just like me and not able to sleep unless there is noise in the house. I have to have the tv on to sleep unless I am dead tired. So click here and enjoy you a little nap.

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