I started before he woke up this morning because the kitchen is quite a project which involves me climbing up and down on a step stool (because I am short and the cabinets are tall and that's just not a good combo) and he likes to get under foot.
I started with the "pantry" cabinets. I threw anything away that was stale or past the expiration date. After that I scrubbed down the cabinets and organized all the like things together.

Next was the junk drawer (isn't it funny how we all have one). I dumped it out and threw away some of the ridiculous things that were in there.
Next I cleaned under the sink and organized the bottom cabinets.

Then came the fridge and freezer.

I finished just in time. Little man woke up shortly after and of course he wanted to help.
After the boy got up we completed the following:
- Washed the windows in kitchen and dinning room.
- Vacuumed the dinning room rug.
- Dusted on top of the fridge.
- Cleaned out the microwave.
- Cleaned the stove and oven.
- Swept and mopped the floor.
- Cleaned the baseboards.

Just one more room (the bathroom) and the inside will be all clean!
Wow! Can you send some of that motivation my way?